4th Jan 2021:
Semester 2
Std 2 Maths
Complete the Ex : 1 (pg 3 & 4), Ex : 2 (pg 9 & 10), Ex : 3 (pg 11 to 13) in text book.
Learn & write multiplication tables 2 to 10 in CW book.
5th Jan 2021:
Semester 2
Std 2 Kannada
ಅಂಕಿಗಳು ಅಕ್ಷರಗಳಲ್ಲಿ
Learn and write number names 1 to 20 (ಒಂದರಿಂದ - ೧ ಇಪ್ಪತ್ತು - ೨೦ ) in CW book.
6th Jan 2021:
Semester 2
Std 2 EVS
Read the lesson and complete the Quick scan, Activity and Practice Time Ex: A, B, C in Nectar book and Ex: E in CW book ( Refer pg 3, 4 & 5).
7th Jan 2021:
Std 2 Hindi
Revision of Swar Letter "अ" to "अः"
Vyanjan Letter "ट" & "ठ
Learn and write व्यंजन letter - "ट" & "ठ" and draw/stick picture of ट-टमाटर (tomato) and ठ-ठप्पा ( stamp) in 200 pgs double line CW book.
8th Jan 2021:
Semester 2
Std 2 English
Read the lesson and complete the Comprehension A main, Vocabulary and Grammar in Nectar book, Comprehension B main and New Words in CW book (Refer pg 1 to 5)
11th Jan 2021:
Std 2 Maths
Complete the Ex : 4 to 8 in Nectar book and complete the Word Problems in CW book (Refer pg 15 to 24).
12th Jan 2021:
Semester 2
Std 2 ಕನ್ನಡ
Memorize the poem from pg 12 to 14 and complete "ಆ" main on pg 15 in text book and write the notes in C.W double line book.
13th Jan 2021:
Std 2 E.V.S
Read the lesson, New words and complete the Activity, Quick Scan and Practice Time Ex: A, B, C, D in Nectar book and Ex: E in CW book ( Refer pg 8, 10, 11 & 12).
14th Jan 2021:
Std 2 Hindi
Revision of Swar Letter "अ" to "अः"
Vyanjan Letter "ड", "ढ" & "ण"
Learn and write व्यंजन letter - ड, ढ & ण, draw/stick pictures of ड -डमरू (drum), ढ - ढक्कन (lid /cover), and ण in 200 pgs double line CW book.
15th Jan 2021:
Semester 2
Std 2 English
Read the lesson and complete the Vocabulary, Writing, Grammar in Nectar book and Comprehension A, B main and New Words in CW book (Refer pg 11 to 16)
16th Jan 2021:
Std 2 English Language
Verbs and the Simple Present Tense
Learn and complete the exercises from page 24 to 28 in Grammar Land book.
18th Jan 2021:
Std 2 Maths
Complete the Ex: 1, 2 & 3 in Nectar book ( Refer pg 42 to 47).
19th Jan 2021:
Std 2 ಕನ್ನಡ
Read the lesson on pg 17 and complete ಆ to ಉ main on pg 17 and 18 in text book and write the notes in double line C.W book.
20th Jan 2021:
Std 2 English Language
Learn and complete the Ex: A to F in Grammar Land book.
Std 1 EVS
Learn and revise the chapters.
21st Jan 2021:
Std 2 Hindi
व्यंजन - त , थ , द , थ and न
Learn and write व्यंजन letters - त to न, draw / stick picture of त - तरबूज ( watermelon), थ - थरमस (water bottle), द - दरवाज़ा (door), ध - धनुष (bow) , न- नल (tap) in 200 pg double line CW book .
22nd Jan 2021:
Std 1 English
Learn and revise the chapters.
Std 2 Hindi
Write बिना मात्रा वाले शब्द (two, three and four letter words) in 200 pg double line CW book.
23rd Jan 2021:
*STD 2*
*English Literature*
1.The Proud Red Rose
2. The Cracked Pot
*English Language*
1. Verbs and The Simple Present Tense
2. Articles
*Activity - 1*
Write sentences on an A4 sheet, adding--ing to the verbs given in the box (Refer pg 8)
*Activity - 2*
Find out some interesting facts about water and write them on an A4 sheet (Refer pg 17).
1. ಪಾಠ ೧ - ಅಕ್ಷರ ಮಾಲೆ ಹಾಡು
2. ಪಾಠ ೨ - ವಂದನೆ
3. ಅಂಕಿಗಳು ಅಕ್ಷರಗಳಲ್ಲಿ (Number Names) - ಹನ್ನೊಂದು ೧೧ ರಿಂದ ಇಪ್ಪತ್ತು ೨೦.
*Activity - 1*
Draw / stick picture of a Rainfall on an A4 sheet and write the poem (Refer pg 19).
*Activity - 2*
Draw / stick picture of a parrot (ಗಿಳಿ) and write the first 8 lines from the poem (Refer pg 27).
1. वर्णमाला - अ to अः
2. व्यंजन - क to न
3. बिना मात्रा वाले शब्द
*Activity - 1*.
Stick picture of व्यंजन
क- कमल (lotus) to न- नल (tap).
*Activity 2*
Write बिना मात्रा वाले शब्द (two , three and four letter words) using colour pencils.
1. Multiplication
2. Fractions
*Activity - 1*
Write the multiplication tables of 2 to 10 using colour pencils.
*Activity - 2*
On an A4 sheet do the Math fun activity (Refer pg 44).
1. The seasons
2. Directions and Time
*Activity - 1*
Stick picture of 5 seasons and name them.
*Activity - 2*
Draw and colour four Directions and name them.
*Refer Text book and CW for FA-3 Portions*
*Instructions to be followed for Activities*
*1.* Activities have to be done only on A4 sheets, in a neat and precise manner.
*2* Mention the Name, Class, Subject and registered phone number on all activities.
*3.* All activities have to be stapled and submitted in school personally by second week of February 2021.
23rd Jan 2021:
Formative Assessment - 3
Time Table
Std 2
01-02-2021 (Monday) Maths
02-02-2021 (Tuesday) Eng Lit
03-02-2021 (Wednesday) Eng Lang
04-02-2021 (Thursday) Kannada
05-02-2021 (Friday) E.V.S
06-02-2021 (Saturday) Hindi
Timing - 10:00 am to 11:00 am.
25th Jan 2021:
Std 2 Maths
Learn and revise the chapters.