4th Jan 2021:
Semester - 2
Std 1 Maths
Complete the Practice Ex : 1 to 5 (Pg 11 to 17) in text book.
5th Jan 2021:
Semester 2
Std 1 Kannada
ಅಂಕಿಗಳು ಅಕ್ಷರಗಳಲ್ಲಿ
Learn and write number names 1 to 20 (ಒಂದರಿಂದ - ೧ ಇಪ್ಪತ್ತು - ೨೦ ) in CW book.
6th Jan 2021:
Semester 2
Std 1 E.V.S
Read the lesson and complete the Activity and Practice Time Ex: A, B, C in Nectar book (Refer pg 2, 4 & 5).
7th Jan 2021:
Std 1 Hindi
Revision of Swar Letter "अ" to "अः"
Vyanjan Letter "ट" & " ठ"
Learn and write व्यंजन letter - "ट" & "ठ" and draw/stick picture of ट-टमाटर (tomato) and ठ-ठप्पा (stamp) in 100 pgs double line CW book.
Complete activity and letter ट & ठ in text cum Workbook pg 36 and 37.
8th Jan 2021:
Semester 2
Std 1 English
Read the lesson and complete the Comprehension A main and New Words in CW book and Comprehension B main, Vocabulary, Writing and Grammar in Nectar book (Refer pg 1 to 5).
11th Jan 2021:
Std 1 Maths
Complete the Ex: 1, 2, 5 & 7 on pg 20, 21, 22, 26, 27 & 30 in Nectar book.
12th Jan 2021:
Semester 2
Std 1 ಕನ್ನಡ
Read the lesson on pg 28 & 29 and complete the CW in double line book.
13th Jan 2021:
Std 1 E.V.S
Read the lesson, New words and complete the Practice Time & Life Skills on pg 9, 10 & 12 in Nectar book.
14th Jan 2021:
Std 1 Hindi
Revision of Swar Letter "अ" to "अः"
Vyanjan Letter "ड", "ढ" & "ण"
Learn and write व्यंजन letter - ड, ढ & ण, draw/stick pictures of ड -डमरू (drum), ढ - ढक्कन (lid /cover), and ण in 100 pgs double line CW book.
Complete activity and letter ड, ढ, and ण in text cum Workbook pg 38, 39, 40 and 41.
15th Jan 2021:
Semester 2
Std 1 English
Read the lesson and complete the Comprehension B main and New Words in CW book and Comprehension A main, Vocabulary, Writing and Grammar in Nectar book (Refer pg 7 to 12).
16th Jan 2021:
Std 1 English Language
Learn and complete the exercises from page 26 to 30 in Grammar and composition book.
18th Jan 2021:
Std 1 Maths
Complete the Ex: 3 ,4, 6, & 8 on pg 23, 24, 28, & 32 in Nectar book and complete Ex: 9 Word problems in CW book (Refer pg 33 and 34).
19th Jan 2021:
Std 1 ಕನ್ನಡ
Read the lesson on pg 30 and complete the notes in double line CW book.
20th Jan 2021:
Std 1 English Language
Learn and complete the Ex : A, B & C in Grammar and composition book.
Std 1 EVS
Learn and revise the chapters.
21st Jan 2021:
Std 1 Hindi
व्यंजन - त , थ , द , थ and न
Learn and write व्यंजन letters - त to न, draw / stick picture of त - तरबूज ( watermelon), थ - थरमस (water bottle), द - दरवाज़ा (door), ध - धनुष (bow) , न- नल (tap) in 100 pg double line CW book .
Complete activity and letters त , थ , द , थ and न in text cum workbook pg 42 to 47.
22nd Jan 2021:
Std 1 English
Learn and revise the chapters.
Std 1 Hindi
Write बिना मात्रा वाले शब्द (two, three and four letter words) in 100 pg double line CW book.
23rd Jan 2021:
*STD 1*
*English literature*
1.The picnic
2. The hungry wolf
*English language*
1. Pronouns
2. Articles
*Activity - 1*
Write any 5 verbs and stick the picture of same (Refer pg 3 and 4)
*Activity - 2*
Trace your left hand. Colour it in a colour of your choice. Write the names of the fingers. (Refer pg 12).
1. ಪಾಠ ೧, ೨ & ೩
2. ಅಂಕಿಗಳು ಅಕ್ಷರಗಳಲ್ಲಿ (Number Names) - ಹನ್ನೊಂದು ೧೧ ರಿಂದ ಇಪ್ಪತ್ತು ೨೦
*Activity - 1*
Draw / stick the pictures of words starting with letter ಏ, ಐ & ಒ
*Activity - 2*
Draw / stick the pictures of words starting with letter ಓ, ಔ & ಅಂ.
1. वर्णमाला - अ to अः
2. व्यंजन - क to न ( Refer pg 26 to 47 in text- cum workbook)
3. बिना मात्रा वाले शब्द
*Activity - 1*
Stick the pictures of व्यंजन
क - कमल (lotus) to न- नल (tap).
*Activity - 2*
Write बिना मात्रा वाले शब्द (two, three and four letter words ) using colour pencils.
1. Numbers up to 100
2. Addition and subtraction up to 100
*Activity - 1*
*Write the number names for the following numbers. (59,66, 70, 43, 100, 28, 99, 54, 20, 24)
*Write multiplication tables of 1 to 5
*Activity - 2*
On an A4 sheet do the Math Fun activity given on pg 35.
1. People who help us
2. Safety Rules
*Activity - 1*
Stick any 10 pictures of people who help us.
*Activity - 2*
Draw and colour traffic lights and zebra crossing.
*Refer Text book and CW for FA-3 Portions*
*Instructions to be followed for Activities*
*1.* Activities have to be done only on A4 sheets, in a neat and precise manner.
*2* Mention the Name, Class, Subject and registered phone number on all activities.
*3.* All activities have to be stapled and submitted in school personally by second week of February 2021.
23rd Jan 2021:
Formative Assessment - 3
Time Table
Std 1
01-02-2021 (Monday) Maths
02-02-2021 (Tuesday) Eng Lit
03-02-2021 (Wednesday) Eng Lang
04-02-2021 (Thursday) Kannada
05-02-2021 (Friday) E.V.S
06-02-2021 (Saturday) Hindi
Timing - 10:00 am to 11:00 am.
25th Jan 2021:
Std 1 Maths
Learn and revise the chapters.