# 31, Norris Road, Richmond Town
Bangalore – 560027
10th SEP 2020:
Std 1 Hindi Swar
Letter उ and ऊ
Learn and write letter उ & ऊ and draw / stick a picture of owl & wool in 100 pgs double line CW book.
Complete pattern writing, letters and activities in text cum Workbook pg 8 to 15.
11th SEP 2020:
Std 1 English
Every Day
Memorize and complete the Comprehension on pg 41 in text book.
12th SEP 2020:
Std 1 Kannada
Write letters ಕ to ಞ (2 lines) in Amulya Kannada Kai Baraha.
14th SEP 2020:
Std 1 Maths
Numbers up to 20
Complete the Ex : 1, 2 & 3 (pg 36 to 43) in text book.
15th SEP 2020:
Std 1 Kannada
Learn and write Kagunita and Kagunita words in CW book.
Note: Highlight the ತಲೆಕಟ್ಟು with blue colour pencil and ತಲೆಕಟ್ಟಿನದೀರ್ಘ with pink colour pencil.
16th SEP 2020:
Std 1 EVS
Our Home
Learn and complete the Activities and Practice time A,B,C and D on pg 21, 23, 24 and 25 in Nectar book.
18th SEP 2020:
Std 1 English
Learn and complete the a comprehension , vocabulary, grammar , writing and life skills from pg 51 to 55.
Refer the key Answers and complete the exercises in text book and write the new words and Q & A in 100 pgs 4 line CW book.
19th SEP 2020:
Std 1 Hindi Swar
Letter ऋ
Learn and write letter ऋ and draw / stick a picture of ऋषि(sage) in 100 pgs double line CW book.
Complete pattern writing, letter ऋ in text cum Workbook pg 16.
21st SEP 2020:
Std 1 Maths
Addition of Numbers up to 20.
Complete the Ex : 1 & 2 (pg 46 to 49) in text book and Ex: 3 (pg50,51)word problems in CW book.
22nd SEP 2020:
Std 1 Kannada
Refer the video and write Kagunita and Kagunita words in CW book.
Note: Highlight the ಗುಡಿಸು with green colour pencil and ಗುಡಿಸಿನದೀರ್ಘ with orange colour pencil.
23rd SEP 2020:
Std 1 EVS
My School
Learn and complete the Practice time A,B,C,D on pg 32, 33 and Picture Talk on pg 34 in Nectar book.
24th SEP 2020:
Std 1 Hindi Swar
Letter ए and ऐ
Learn and write letter ए & ऐ and draw / stick a picture of एड़ी (heel) and ऐनक (spectacle)in 100 pgs double line CW book.
Complete activity and letter ए & ऐ in text cum Workbook pg 17 & 18.
25th SEP 2020:
Std 1 English (Poem)
Memorize and complete the comprehension on pg 56 in Nactar book.
26th SEP 2020:
Std 1 Kannada
Write letters ಟ to ನ (2 lines) in Amulya Kannada Kai Baraha.
28th SEP 2020:
Std 1 Maths
Complete the Ex : 1 (pg 54 to 57) in text book and Ex: 2 (pg 57,58) word problems in CW book.
29th SEP 2020:
Std 1 Kannada
Refer the video and write Kagunita and Kagunita words in CW book.
Note: Highlight the ಕೊಂಬು with red colour pencil and ಕೊಂಬನದೀರ್ಘ with blue colour pencil.
30th SEP 2020:
Std 1 EVS
Learn and complete the activities and Practice Time on pg 44, 46 & 47 in Nectar book.
1st OCT 2020:
Std 1 Hindi (Swar)
Letter "ओ" and "औ"
Learn and write letter "ओ" & "औ" and draw / stick a picture of ओखली (mortar) and औरत (woman) in 100 pgs double line CW book.
Complete activity and letter "ओ" & "औ" in text cum Workbook pg *19 & 20*.
3rd OCT 2020:
Std 1 Kannada
Write letters ಪ to ಳ (2 lines) in Amulya Kannada Kai Baraha.
5th OCT 2020:
Std 1 Maths
Learn and write the incomplete notes.
(if any)
6th OCT 2020:
Std 1 Kannada
Refer the video and write Kagunita and Kagunita words in CW book.
Note: Highlight the ವಟ್ರಸುಳಿ with pink colour pencil and ಎತ್ವ with green colour pencil.
7th OCT 2020:
Std 1 EVS
Learn and write the incomplete notes.
(if any)
8th OCT 2020:
Std 1 Hindi (Swar)
Letter "अं" and "अः"
Learn and write letter "अं" & "अः" and draw / stick a picture of अंगूर (grapes) in 100 pgs double line CW book.
Complete activity and letter "अं" & "अः" in text cum Workbook pg 21 & 22.
9th OCT 2020:
Std 1 English (Grammar)
The English Alphabet
Learn and complete the exercises on page 8, 9 and 10 in Grammar and Composition book.
2nd Nov 2020:
Std 1 Maths
Learn and revise the chapters.
3rd Nov 2020:
Std 1 Kannada
Refer the video and write Kagunita and Kagunita words in CW book.
Note: Highlight the ಏತ್ವಧೀರ್ಗ with yellow colour pencil and ಐತ್ವ with blue colour pencil.
4th Nov 2020:
Std 1 EVS
Learn and revise the chapters.
5th Nov 2020:
Std 1 Hindi (Swar)
"अ" to "अः"
Learn and write letters "अ" to "अः" (5 times) in CW book.
(Refer the video & images)
6th Nov 2020:
Std 1 English Language
Learn and complete the Ex: A, B and C (Pg 11 to 13) in Grammar and Composition Vibes book.
9th Nov 2020:
Std 1 Maths
Learn and revise the chapters.
Std 1 English Language
Nouns (Naming Words).
Learn and complete the Ex: A, B, C and D (Pg 14 to 17) in Grammar and Composition Vibes book.
10th Nov 2020:
Std 1 Kannada
Refer the video and write Kagunita and Kagunita words in CW book.
Note: Highlight the ಓತ್ವ with red colour pencil and ಓತ್ವಧೀರ್ಗ with green colour pencil.
11th Nov 2020:
Std 1 EVS
Learn and revise the chapters.
Std 1 English Language
One and Many
Learn and complete the Ex: A & B (Pg 20 & 21) in Grammar and Composition Vibes book.
12th Nov 2020:
Std 1 Hindi
Revision of Swar Letter "अ" to "अः"
Vyanjan Letter "क"
Learn and write व्यंजन letter - क and draw/stick picture of कबूतर (pigeon) in 100 pgs double line CW book.
Complete activity and letter क in text cum Workbook pg 26.
13th Nov 2020:
Std 1 English
Learn and revise the chapters.
Std 1 Kannada
Refer the video and write Kagunita and Kagunita words in CW book.
Note: Highlight the ಔತ್ವ with blue colour pencil, ಒಂದು ಸೊನ್ನೆ with orange colour pencil and ಎರಡು ಸೊನ್ನೆ with pink colour pencil.
17th Nov 2020:
Std 1 Kannada
Complete pg 37 & 38 in Amulya Kannada Kai Baraha.
18th Nov 2020:
Std 1 EVS
Learn and revise the chapters.
Std 1 Kannada
Complete pg 39 & 40 in Amulya Kannada Kai Baraha.
19th Nov 2020:
Std 1 Hindi
Revision of Swar Letter "अ" to "अः"
Vyanjan Letter "ख" & "ग"
Learn and write व्यंजन letter - ख and draw/stick picture of खरगोश (rabbit), ग and draw/stick picture of गमला (pot) in 100 pgs double line CW book.
Complete activity and letter ख & ग in text cum Workbook pg 27 and 28.
20th Nov 2020:
Std 1 English
Learn and revise the chapters.
Std 1 Kannada
Complete pg 41 & 42 in Amulya Kannada Kai Baraha.
21st Nov 2020:
Std 1 Kannada
Complete pg 43, 44 & 45 in Amulya Kannada Kai Baraha.
23rd Nov 2020:
Std 1 Hindi
Revision of Swar Letter "अ" to "अः"
Vyanjan Letter "घ" & "ङ"
Learn and write व्यंजन letter - घ, ङ and draw/stick picture of घर (house) in 100 pgs double line CW book.
Complete activity and letter घ & ङ in text cum Workbook pg 29 and 30.
24th Nov 2020:
Std 1 Kannada
Complete pg 46 & 47 in Amulya Kannada Kai Baraha.
25th Nov 2020:
Std 1 Hindi
Revision of Swar Letter "अ" to "अः"
Vyanjan Letter "च" & "छ"
Learn and write व्यंजन letter - च draw /stick picture of चम्मच (spoon) and छ -छाता (umbrella) in 100 pgs double line CW book.
Complete activity and letter च & छ in text cum Workbook pg 31and 32.
26th Nov 2020:
Std 1 Hindi
Revision of Swar Letter "अ" to "अः"
Vyanjan Letter "ज", "झ"& "ञ"
Learn and write व्यंजन letter - ज ,झ,ञ
draw/stick picture of जहाज़ (ship) and झन्डा (flag) in 100 pgs double line CW book.
Complete activity and letter ज,झ & ञ in text cum Workbook pg 33,34 and 35.
27th Nov 2020:
Std 1 Kannada
Gunithaakshara (ಗುಣಿತಾಕ್ಷರ)
Write ಗುಣಿತಾಕ್ಷರ for these letters in CW book.
ಚ, ಘ, ಯ, ಹ
ಣ, ಲ, ನ, ಶ
Std 1 English
Complete the notes and revise the chapters along with grammar.
28th Nov 2020:
Std 1 Kannada
Learn and write numbers 1 to 50 and number names 1 to 10 in CW book.
(Refer the video)
30th Nov 2020:
Std 1 Maths
Complete the notes and revise the chapters.
Std 1 Hindi
Revision of व्यंजन Letter "क" to "ञ "
Learn and write व्यंजन letters "क" to "ञ " (5 times) in 100 pgs double line CW book.
1st Dec 2020:
Std 1 Kannada
Complete the notes and revise the chapters.
2nd Dec 2020:
Std 1 EVS
Complete the notes and revise the chapters.
4th Dec 2020:
Std 1 English
Complete the notes and revise the chapters along with grammar.