Saturday, September 26, 2020

STD 10(1)


# 31, Norris Road, Richmond Town

Bangalore – 560027

STD 10


21st SEP 2020:

Std 10 Maths

Areas related to Circles

Triangles and Circles (Revision )

Refer the complete video for HW / CW

Assalamu alaikum. 
Mathematics :
Insha Allah  class 10 will be having a test this week. 

Class 10:Triangles and Circles.
A revision video is sent on these. 
Revise well. 
All The Best......


22nd SEP 2020:

Std 10 Kannada (Grammar)
ವಿಭಕ್ತಿ ಪ್ರತ್ಯಯ

Refer the complete video for HW / CW.


23rd SEP 2020:

Std 10
India's Foreign Policy

Learn the basic aspects of India's Foreign Policy.

Complete the notes in CW book.


24th SEP 2020:

Std 10 Science
Metals and Non Metals

Learn and complete the notes in CW book.


25th SEP 2020:

Std 10 English
The Gift of the Magi 

Learn and write the glossary given on pg 37, 38, 39, 40.

Complete the exercises given from pg 40 to 50 in CW book.


26th SEP 2020:

Std 10

 Learn and  complete the notes.


28th SEP 2020:

Std 10 Maths

Refer the complete video for HW/CW.


29th SEP 2020:

Std 10 Kannada
ಹಕ್ಕಿಗೂಡುಗಳ ನಿಗೂಢ ಜಗತ್ತು

Learn and write the notes in CW book.


30th SEP 2020:

Std 10 Social
Indian Soils

Draw an outline map of India show the distribution of major soil types and paste in CW book (Refer pg 111)

Learn and complete the notes in CW book.


1st OCT 2020:

Std 10 Science
Control and Coordination

Draw fig 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 and write the notes in CW book.


3rd OCT 2020:

Std 10 Hindi 
महिला की साहस गाथा 

Learn and complete the notes in CW.


5th OCT 2020:

Std 10 Maths
Quadratic Equations

Refer the complete video for HW/CW.


6th OCT 2020:

Std 10 Kannada
ಹಕ್ಕಿಗೂಡುಗಳ ನಿಗೂಢ ಜಗತ್ತು

Learn and write the notes in CW book.


7th OCT 2020:


7th OCT 2020:

Std 10 Social 

Learn and complete the notes in CW book.


8th OCT 2020:

Std 10 Science
Control and Coordination

Learn and complete the notes in CW book.


9th OCT 2020:

Std 10 English 
What is Moral Action?
Learn and write the meanings given on pg 76 & 77.

Complete the given exercises from  pg 77 to 86 in CW book.


10th OCT 2020:

Std 10 Hindi सुर श्याम

Learn and complete the notes in CW.



2nd Nov 2020:

Std 10 Maths
Quadratic Equations

Refer the complete video for HW/CW.


3rd Nov 2020:

Std 10 Kannada
ಹಕ್ಕಿಗೂಡುಗಳ ನಿಗೂಢ ಜಗತ್ತು

Learn and complete the notes in CW book.

Std 10 ಕನ್ನಡ 

ಪ್ರತಿ ಕಾಲಗಳಿಗೆ  5 ಉದಾಹರಣೆಗಳು ಬರೆಯಿರಿ.


4th Nov 2020:

Std 10 Social 
Indian Forest Resources 

Learn and complete the notes in CW book.


5th Nov 2020:

Std 10 Science
Magnetic Effect of Electric Current

Learn and write the notes in CW book.


6th Nov 2020:


7th Nov 2020:

Std 10 Hindi  
प्रेरणार्थक क्रिया, विराम चिह्न और छुट्टी पत्र 

Refer the complete video, learn and write the definition of  प्रेरणार्थक क्रिया , विराम चिह्न and  छुट्टी पत्र  in CW book.


9th Nov 2020:

Std 10 Maths
Quadratic Equations
Introduction to Trigonometry

Refer the complete video for HW/CW.


10th Nov 2020:

Std 10 Kannada 

Complete the notes in CW book.

2nd & 4th ಪದ್ಯ ಭಾಗ ಕಂಠಪಾಠ ಮಾಡಿ and write 3 times in CW book.


11th Nov 2020:

Std 10 Social 
India's Relationship With Other Countries

Complete the notes & learn the relationship  between India & USA, India & Russia.

Std 10 Social

Complete the notes & learn the differences between Organised workers &  Unorganised workers.


12th Nov 2020:

Std 10 Science
Magnetic Effect of Electric Current

Learn and complete the notes in CW book.


13th Nov 2020:

Std 10 English Language
Parts of Speech

Learn and write the definitions and types of parts of speech in CW book.
(Refer complete video for notes)


16th Nov 2020:

Std 10 Maths
Introduction to Trigonometry

Refer the complete video for HW/CW.


17th Nov 2020:

Std 10 Kannada 
ಮೂಡಲ್ ಕುಣಿಗಲ್ ಕೆರೆ

Learn and complete the notes in CW book.


18th Nov 2020:

Std 10 Social
Indian Water Resources

Complete the notes &  learn the Multi-purpose Projects.


19th Nov 2020:

Std 10 Science

Complete the notes and revise the chapters.

Std 10 Maths
Introduction to Trigonometry

Refer the complete video for HW/CW.


20th Nov 2020:

Std-10 English

Memorize the first four stanzas, learn and complete the notes in CW book.


21st Nov 2020:

Std 10 Hindi
अपठित गद्यांश (Comprehension)
निबंध (Essay)

Refer the video and learn अपठित गद्यांश (Comprehension) and निबंध (Essay)
 तुलसी के दोहे कंठस्थ कीजिए 

Complete the notes and revise the chapters along with grammar.


23rd Nov 2020:

Std 10 Maths
Introduction to Trigonometry

Refer the complete video for HW/CW.


24th Nov 2020:

Std 10 kannada 
ಕಳ್ಳರ ಗುರು

Learn and complete the notes in CW book.


25th Nov 2020:

Std 10 Social
Opposition to British rule in Karnataka

Learn and complete the notes in CW book.


26th Nov 2020:

Std 10 Science

Complete the notes and revise the chapters.

Std 10 kannada 
ಕಳ್ಳರ ಗುರು

Learn and complete the notes in CW book.


27th Nov 2020:

Std 10 English

Complete the notes and revise the chapters along with grammar.

Std 10 Kannada 

Practice letter writing. 

(Refer complete video for more details).

Std 20 Kannada

Refer the complete video for HW / CW.


28th Nov 2020:

Std 10 Hindi

Complete the notes and revise the chapters along with grammar.

Std 10 Social
Social and Religious Reformation Movements

Learn and complete the notes in CW book.


30th Nov 2020:
Std 10 Maths
Complete the notes and revise the chapters.
Std 10 Social 
India Land Resources
Complete the notes & learn the types of farming.


1st Dec 2020:

Std 10 Kannada
Refer the complete video for HW / CW.
Std 10 Social 
Rural Development
Learn and complete the notes  in CW book.


2nd Dec 2020:

Std 10 Social
Complete the notes and revise the chapters.
Std 10 Kannada
Refer the complete video for HW / CW.
Std 10 kannada 
Refer the complete video and give 2 examples of each.


4th Dec 2020:
Std 10 English
Complete the notes and revise the chapters along with grammar.
Std 10 Kannada Grammar


7th Dec 2020:

Std 10 Maths

Complete the notes and revise the chapters.
Std 10 Kannada Grammar


8th Dec 2020:

Std 10 Hindi (Revision)
बसंत की सच्चाई


9th Dec 2020:
Std 10 Hindi (Revision)
मेरा बचपन


10th Dec 2020:
Preview YouTube video STD X, SUBJECT - MATHEMATIC