Thursday, September 17, 2020




# 31, Norris Road, Richmond Town

Bangalore – 560027




7th SEP 2020:


10th SEP 2020:

Std 8 Science

Our Environment

Read the lesson. 

Notes (❌) not to be written.


11th SEP 2020:

Std 8 English

Before the match

Learn and complete the notes.



12th SEP 2020:

Std 8 Hindi 

महात्मा गांधी

Learn and complete the notes.


13th SEP 2020: SUNDAY


14th SEP 2020:

Std 8 Maths

Linear equations in one variable

Refer the complete video for HW / CW


15th SEP 2020:

Std 8 Kannada

 ಕನಸು ಮತ್ತು ಸಂದೇಶ

Learn and write the ಕೃತಿಕಾರರ ಪರಿಚಯ  (1st main) in CW book.



16th SEP 2020:

Std 8 Social

Components of Business Studies

Learn and complete the notes in CW book.


18th SEP 2020:


19th SEP 2020:

Std 8

 Learn and  complete the notes.


21st SEP 2020:

Std 8 Maths
Linear equations in one variable

Refer the complete video for HW / CW


22nd SEP 2020:

Std 8 Kannada
 ಕನಸು ಮತ್ತು ಸಂದೇಶ

Learn and write the notes in CW book.


23rd SEP 2020:

Std 8 Social

Learn & complete the notes in CW book.


24th SEP 2020:

Std 8 Science

Draw the figure 1.1 
(a)The plough (b)A hoe in CW book.

Learn and complete the notes in CW book.


25th SEP 2020:

Std 8 English

Memorize the poem and write the glossary in CW (Refer pg 84).

 Complete the exercises pg 84 & 85 in CW book.


26th SEP 2020:

Std 8 Hindi 
समाचार पत्र की आत्मकथा 
 Learn and write Questions and Answers in CW book.


                                         28th SEP 2020:

Std 8 Maths
Linear equations in one variable

Refer the complete video for HW / CW.


29th SEP 2020:

Std 8 Kannada
 ಕನಸು ಮತ್ತು ಸಂದೇಶ

Learn and write the notes in CW book.


30th SEP 2020:

Std 8 Social
Ancient Civilization of the World.

Learn and write the notes in CW book.


1st OCT 2020:

Std 8 Science

Learn the lesson and complete the Exercises from pg 29 & 30 in CW book. Additional answers from PDF (orals only)


3rd OCT 2020:

Std 8 Hindi  
छुट्टी पत्र 

Learn and complete the notes in CW book.


5th OCT 2020:

Std 8 Maths
Linear equations in one variable

Refer the complete video for HW / CW.


6th OCT 2020:

Std 8 Kannada
 ಕನಸು ಮತ್ತು ಸಂದೇಶ

Learn and complete the notes in CW book.


7th OCT 2020:

Std 8 Social
Ancient Civilization of the World.

Learn and complete the notes in CW book.


8th OCT 2020:

Std 8 Science

Learn the lesson and complete the Exercises from pg 41 & 42 in CW book. Additional answers from PDF (orals only)


9th OCT 2020:

Std 8 English 
Palanquin Bearers 

Memorize the full poem. 
Learn and write the glossary given on pg 95.

Complete the exercises from  pg. 96 to 99 in CW book.


10th OCT 2020:

Std 8 Hindi अभिनव गीत 

Learn and complete the notes in CW.



2nd Nov 2020:

Std 8 Maths
Squares and Square Roots

Refer the complete video for HW / CW.


3rd Nov 2020:

Std 8 ಕನ್ನಡ 
ಗಾಂಧೀಜಿಯ ಬಾಲ್ಯ 

Learn and write ಲೇಖಕರ ಪರಿಚಯ and notes in CW book.


4th Nov 2020:

Std 8 Social 
 The Earth - Our Living Planet 

Learn and complete the notes in CW book.

Draw a neat diagram of Shape of the Earth (Refer pg 164)

Draw a neat diagram of Parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude (Refer pg 166)

Std 8 
Maths Activity - 2
Linear Equations in one variable

Refer the images for Examples : 20 and 22


5th Nov 2020:

Std 8 Science
Coal and Petroleum

Learn and write the notes in CW book.


6th Nov 2020:

Std 8 English Language
Parts of Speech

Learn and write the definitions and types of parts of speech in CW book.
(Refer complete video for notes)


7th Nov 2020:

Std 8 Hindi  
प्रेरणार्थक क्रिया 

Refer the complete video, learn and write the definition in CW book.


9th Nov 2020:

Std 8 Maths
Squares and Square Roots

Refer the complete video for HW / CW.


10th Nov 2020:

Std 8 ಕನ್ನಡ 
ಗಾಂಧೀಜಿಯ ಬಾಲ್ಯ 

Learn and complete and notes in CW book.


11th Nov 2020:

Std 8 Social

Learn and revise the chapters.

Std 8 English Language
Parts of Speech

Learn and write the definitions and types of parts of speech in CW book.
(Refer complete video for notes)


12th Nov 2020:

Std 8 Science
Conservation of Plants and Animals

Learn and Complete the notes in CW book.


13th Nov 2020:

Std 8 English Language 
Wren and Martin  

Chapter 4 - Parts of Speech
Chapter 5 - The Nouns : Kinds of Nouns

Complete the exercises on page 13 and 15 in practice book / reading book. (Refer the complete video for more details )


16th Nov 2020:

Std 8 Maths
Squares and Square Roots

Refer the complete video for HW / CW.


17th Nov 2020:

Std 8 Kannada 

Memorize the full poem and complete the notes in CW book.


18th Nov 2020:

Std 8 Social

Complete the notes and revise the chapters.

Std 8  English Language
Chapter 1 The Sentence
Chapter 2 Subject and Predicate.
Chapter 6 Noun : Gender
Chapter 7 Noun: Number  

Complete the exercise in grammar 1 and learn the Noun: Gender on pg 16,17 &18. 
Learn the Noun: Number on pg 18,19, 20, 21 & 22 in CW book.


19th Nov 2020:

Std 8 Science

Complete the notes and revise the chapters.

Std 8 Maths
Rational Numbers

Refer the complete video for HW / CW.


20th Nov 2020:

Std 8 English Language
Figure of Speech

Learn and write all the 4 definitions of Figure of Speech in CW book.
(Refer the complete video for more details)


21st Nov 2020:

Std 8  Hindi
अपठित गद्यांश (Comprehension)
निबंध (Essay)

Refer the video and learn अपठित गद्यांश (Comprehension) and निबंध (Essay)

Complete the notes and revise the chapters along with grammar.


23rd Nov 2020:

Std 8 Maths
Rational Numbers

Refer the complete video for HW / CW.


24th Nov 2020:

Std 8 Kannada 
ಗೌರವಿಸು ಜೀವನವ

 Learn and write the 1st and 3rd stanza and complete the notes in CW book.


25th Nov 2020:

Std 8 Social

Complete the notes and revise the chapters.

Std 8 Maths
Understanding Quadrilaterals

Refer the complete video for HW / CW.


26th Nov 2020:

Std 8 Science

Complete the notes and revise the chapters.

Std 8 Maths
Understanding Quadrilaterals

Refer the complete video for HW / CW.


27th Nov 2020:

Std 8 English

Complete the notes and revise the chapters along with grammar.

Std 8 Maths
Understanding Quadrilaterals

Refer the complete video for HW / CW.


28th Nov 2020:

Std 8 Kannada 

Practice letter writing. 

(Refer complete video for more details).


30th Nov 2020:

Std 8 Maths

Complete the notes and revise the chapters.

Std 8 Kannada

Refer the complete video for HW / CW.


1st Dec 2020:

Std 8 Kannada

Refer the complete video for HW / CW.

Std 8 Social 
Meaning and Importance of Political Science

Learn and complete the notes in CW book.


2nd Dec 2020:

Std 8 Social

Complete the notes and revise the chapters.

Std 8 Kannada

Refer the complete video for HW / CW.


4th Dec 2020:

Std 8 English

Complete the notes and revise the chapters along with grammar.
