Thursday, September 17, 2020




# 31, Norris Road, Richmond Town

Bangalore – 560027




10th SEP 2020:

Std 7 Science

Nutrition in animals

Learn and complete the notes.


11th SEP 2020:

Std 7 English

A Soldier's Son

Learn and complete the notes.



12th SEP 2020:

Std 7 Hindi 

मैं भी नाम कमाता

Memorize the poem and complete the notes.


13th SEP 2020: SUNDAY


14th SEP 2020:

Std 7 Maths

Fractions and Decimals

Complete the Ex: 2.1,2.2, and 2.3 in CW.


15th SEP 2020:

Std 7 Kannada

ಶ್ರಾವಣ ಬಂತು

Memorize and write the poem (3 times) in HW book.



16th SEP 2020:

Std 7 Social 

Fundamental Rights & Duties

Draw & write the 6 Fundamental Rights and complete the notes in C.W book.


18th SEP 2020:

Std 7 English
A Letter from a mother. 

Complete pg 33,34,37,38,39 in CW 
(Refer key answers from kseeb solutions )


19th SEP 2020:


21st SEP 2020:

Std 7 Maths
Fractions and Decimals

Complete the Ex: 2.4 and 2.5 in CW.(Refer complete video for more details)


22nd SEP 2020:

Std 7 Kannada
ಭರತ ಭೂಮಿ ನನ್ನ ತಾಯಿ 

Learn and write the Meanings , Questions & Answers & Kavi parichaya  in CW book.

Complete page 20 and 21 in text book.


23rd SEP 2020:

Std 7 Social
Bahamani Adil Shahs

Stick pictures of monuments of Bahamani Sultanate (Refer video) and complete the notes in CW book.


24th SEP 2020:

Std 7 Science
Fribre to Fabric

Learn and write the notes and do the activity 3.2 and 3.3 in C.W book.


25th SEP 2020:

Std 7 English
Meadow surprises

Learn and write the glossary given on pg 41.

Complete the exercises on pg 42 & 43 in CW book.


26th SEP 2020:

Std 7
 हमारे राष्ट्रीय प्रतीक 
 Learn and  complete the notes.


28th SEP 2020:

Std 7 Maths
Fractions and Decimals 

Complete the Ex: 2.6 and 2.7 in CW book.
(Refer complete video for more details)


29th SEP 2020:

Std 7 Kannada

Learn and complete the notes in CW book.


30th SEP 2020:

Std 7 Social
Bhakti Cult and Sufi Heritage

Learn and complete the notes in CW book.

(Refer complete video for more details)


1st OCT 2020:

Std 7 Science
Fibre to Fabric

Learn and complete the notes in CW book.


3rd OCT 2020:

Std 7 Hindi 
मेरी अभिलाषा है

Learn and complete the notes in CW book.


5th OCT 2020:

Std 7 Maths
Lines and Angles 

Complete the Ex: 5.1 in 100 pg plain Geometry CW book.


6th OCT 2020:

STD 7 Kannada 
ಕೊಳಲ ಜೋಗಿ 

Learn and write the notes in CW book.


6th OCT 2020:

STD 7 Kannada 
ಕೊಳಲ ಜೋಗಿ 

Learn and write the notes in CW book.


7th OCT 2020:

Std 7 Social 
Nayakas, Palegars and Naada Prabhus

Learn and complete the notes in CW book.


8th OCT 2020:

Std 7 Science

Complete the activity 4.2, 4.6, 4.9 and write the notes in CW book.


9th OCT 2020:

Std 7 English 
India through the eyes of a Foreigner.
Learn and write the glossary given on pg 60.

Complete the given exercises from  pg 61, 63 and 64 in CW books.


10th OCT 2020:

Std 7 Hindi रसोई घर 

Learn and complete the notes in CW



2nd Nov 2020:

Std 7 Maths 
Lines and Angles

Complete the Ex - 5.2 in Geometry CW.


3rd Nov 2020:

Std 7ಕನ್ನಡ 
ಕೊಳಲ ಜೋಗಿ 

Learn and complete the notes in CW book.


4th Nov 2020:

Std 7 Social 
Directive Principles and State Policy 

Complete the notes in CW book and learn all the principles.


5th Nov 2020:

Std 7 Science

Learn and complete the notes in CW book.


6th Nov 2020:

Std 7 English Language
Parts of Speech

Learn and write the definitions and types of parts of speech in CW book.
(Refer complete video for notes)


9th Nov 2020:

Std 7 Maths
Simple Equations

Solve the Ex 4.1 and 4.2 in CW book.


10th Nov 2020:

Std 7 Kannada Grammar
ವ್ಯಾಕರಣ: ವಚನಗಳು 

ಏಕವಚನ ಮತ್ತು ಬಹು ವಚನಗಳಿಗೆ 15 ಉದಾಹರಣೆಗಳನ್ನು  ಬರೆಯಿರಿ.

(Refer the complete video for more details)


11th Nov 2020:

Std 7 Maths
Simple Equations

Solve the Ex 4.3 and 4.4 in CW book.

Std 7 Social

Learn and revise the chapters.


12th Nov 2020:

Std 7 Science
Physical and Chemical Changes

Learn and complete the notes in CW book.


13th Nov 2020:

Std 7 English Language
Parts of Speech

Learn and write the definitions and types of parts of speech in CW book.
(Refer complete video for notes)


17th Nov 2020:

Std 7 Kannada

Complete the notes and revise the chapters along with grammar.

Std 7 Maths
The Triangle and its Properties

Solve the Ex: 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 in Geometry CW book.

Note: Ex: 6.4 and 6.5 are excluded.


18th Nov 2020:

Std 7 Social

Complete the notes and revise the chapters.

Std 7 Maths
Congruence of Triangles

Solve the Ex: 7.1 and 7.2 (1st & 2nd main) in Geometry CW book.


19th Nov 2020:

Std 7 Science

Complete the notes and revise the chapters.


20th Nov 2020:

Std 7 English Language
Countable and Uncountable Nouns
Articles and Determiners

Refer the videos and complete the exercises.


21st Nov 2020:

Std 7 Hindi
गिनती ५१ से ७०
सर्वनाम और क्रिया

Learn and write गिनती ५१ से ७० in CW book.

Refer the video and learn सर्वनाम और क्रिया 

Complete the notes and revise the chapters along with grammar.


23rd Nov 2020:

Std 7 Maths

Complete the notes and revise the chapters.

Std 7 English Language

Learn the chapter thoroughly and complete the exercises A to G.


24th Nov 2020:

Std 7 Kannada

Complete the notes and revise the chapters along with grammar.


25th Nov 2020:

Std 7 Social

Complete the notes and revise the chapters.


26th Nov 2020:

Std 7 Science

Complete the notes and revise the chapters.

Std 7 English Language
Phrases and Clauses

Refer the videos and complete the exercises.


27th Nov 2020:

Std 7 English Language
Preposition and Prepositional Phrases

Refer the videos and complete the exercises.


28th Nov 2020:

Std 7 Hindi

Complete the notes and revise the chapters along with grammar.


30th Nov 2020:

Std 7 Maths

Complete the notes and revise the chapters.


1st Dec 2020:

Std 7 Kannada

Complete the notes and revise the chapters along with grammar.


2nd Dec 2020:

Std 7 Social

Complete the notes and revise the chapters.


4th Dec 2020:

Std 7 English

Complete the notes and revise the chapters along with grammar.
